Therefore LTTE leadership have asked the battle formations of EPS to adjust their forward boundaries further north.
The last remaining cadres to leave EPS were from the LTTE's elite IP and CA commando teams. They had stayed behind as it was an ideal opportunity for maximum harvest of SLA platoons. The cadres used covert land routes and sea tiger troop transport to vacate EPS. The SLA suffered heavy casualties during the offensive, numbering over 300 KIA, this was possible as EPS area is open terrain. The LTTE launched numerous artillery and mortar salvos on the advancing SLA units and caused maximum damage. The LTTE did not suffer any casualties itself, the cadres are safely back in LTTE controlled areas.Elephant Pass is synonymous with national embarrassment for the SLA. In the bloody history of Elephant Pass battles, the SLA had suffered two of the worst debacles in its short history. In the first battle of EP in 1991, the SLA suffered over 1,000 casualties. The SLA managed to defend EP amid very heavy casualties, the LTTE casualties were very low. In the second battle of EP in 2000, the SLA suffered its worst ever defeat. Over 3,000 SLA were killed when the LTTE commanded by Colonel Bhanu and comprising mainly eastern cadres overran the Elephant Pass complex and completely liberated the area. In the latest battle, LTTE inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy before strategically withdrawing with its weapons and cadres intact.
The LTTE's overall strategy is now very clear. They have decided to forego occupation of symbolic towns and villages to regroup in the Mullaitivu jungles and launch guerilla raids on the SLA. Yesterday, the SLA suffered over 53KIA 2 miles east of Paranthan when LTTE commandos launched a surprise ambush on the advancing SLA units. A few bodies were captured and these will be handed over to the SLA via the ICRC shortly. A large haul of weapons were also captured during the clearing operations.
Check back for further updates.
What is the point if they start the guirilla war again? That means they have achieved nothing over last 30 years except 40000 of own tamil people and large number of Tamil interlectuals & politicians killed by LTTE.
Is that what LTTE again going to achieve?
I do not think that they can get any support this time.
Final tactical withdrawal photos from BBC
Oh....I looked away for a moment and "hey presto" 2 more tactical withdrawal...and one is a "straetgic town on a key road" and another is a "sprawling military complex whose capture was hailed as the biggest victory ever by the tigers" ... at this rate, I'm sure the officials at the Guiness Book of World Records will be pretty much getting excited because the records for the Fastest Tactical Withdrawal and the Longest Strategic withdrawal are both under threat..
There is a bed available for you at IDH, right next to our very own counting monkey - Peelam Peeter. I trust that you make excellent bed fellows! The nurses there (male) are known to give excellent Red Bird treatment to the inmates. Shyam and Kuttu are reported be patients there too!
Thoughtful Guy
Actually is there any Guiness Book of World Records for this.
We should suggest it.
LTTE will break the tactical withdrawal that our own SLA did during Ranil's Era.
Lalith...yes..we shud suggest that....
But lets give mahen the chance to do it and add that crowning jewel in prabas legacy..
Amid soaring casualties and without the support of the malathi brigade, LTTE has run for dear life peeing in their pants out of Elephant Pass complex and the surrounding areas. The EP complex and its immediate environs were polluted by LTTE shit over the past two days. The running for dear life by the LTTE from EPS was never part of the strategic plan devised by the LTTE military panel.
Therefore LTTE leadership have ordered the forced labourers of EPS to adjust their forward boundaries further north. (build a canal).
The last remaining cadres to run away hard from EPS were from the LTTE's elite IP and CA commando teams. They had stayed behind in toilets as they were having loose motions contnuously at the sight of SLA platoons. The cadres used covert land routes and sea tiger troop transport fitted with special toilets to vacate EPS. The SLA suffered heavy casualties during the offensive, numbering over 10 KIA, this was possible as EPS area is open terrain. The LTTE launched numerous artillery and mortar salvos on the advancing SLA units and caused minimum damage. The LTTE did not suffer any casualties itself,(0). the cadres are safely back in LTTE controlled areas. even all the cadres that died in ealier battles from 1983 have all come back to life amazingly replenishing our ranks to over 50,000.
Elephant Pass is synonymous with no eelam embarrassment for the LTTE. In the bloody history of Elephant Pass battles, the LTTE had suffered two of the worst debacles in its short history. In the first battle of EP in 1991, the SLA suffered over 1,000 (not) casualties. The SLA managed to defend EP amid very heavy casualties, the LTTE casualties were very low. (-0.00). In the second battle of EP in 2000, the SLA suffered its worst ever defeat. Over 3,000 SLA were killed (not) when the LTTE commanded by Colonel Bhanu and comprising mainly eastern cadres (forced recruits)overran the Elephant Pass complex and completely liberated the area. In the latest battle, LTTE inflicted heavy casualties on the ep cows before strategically withdrawing with its weapons and cadres intact. (tails between legs). The LTTE's overall strategy is now running. They have decided to forego occupation of symbolic towns and villages to swim in the middle of the indian ocean and launch guerilla raids on the SLA. Yesterday, the SLA suffered over 100(not)KIA 2 miles east of Paranthan when LTTE toddlers launched a surprise ambush on the advancing SLA units. A few bodies were captured and these will be handed over to the SLA via the ICRC shortly. A large haul of weapons were also captured (not)during the clearing operations.
Check back (when the LTTE is dust)for further updates.
that's more like it.
ha ha ha!
ha ha ha..another tactical withdrawal.. good good keep them coming... mahen may i suggest you next time don't bother writing a whole chunk of para... just "Search and Replace" EPS with Mullativ ... Man ain't you guys tired of withdrawing.. common guys we thought u r pussy cats can at least put some kind of a fight.. why do you run like this?
Seriously Peter, please come back. We need someone to count the "miles" to EPS, MKN and Mullaitivu. We all miss you very much.
mahen, there is a problem with reverting to guerilla war if the ltte gives up mullathivu to, where will they hide all their weapons, sea tiger boats and planes, there is definitely not enough cover in the jungles to hide all these things including artillery and MBRL's....if all these weapons are captured it would put a huge dent in their capabilitity....to be honest it doesn't look like this was all planned before and it looks like something went wrong and now they are adjusting to that mistake by reveting to guerilla war which will push them back 20 years, what's ur take on this?
Hi Mohammed
I'll take up Peter's job as he has vanished with the capture ( or sorry, tactical withdrawal of the Killi).
But I am much younger than Peter and so I know only Killo Grams.
So I will use KG's
VP 154 KG's (as at 05-01-09)
Mulla 1 KM
As super intellignet thamilaaz (some of u are even investment bankers I heard) I think u need to do a proper financial review of the Ealam Project.....
here are the facts
Project Time period - more than 20 years
Cost of the investment - $6 Billion (if the annaul funds provided to LTTE from the diaspora is $300 million, which is the value currently thought to be)+ 25,000 tamil lives (which is inmeassurable in $$)
Return - Back to hit and run tactics hiding in jungles, no capital, no ealam, and a society still langusing in the 1980s, interms of developement.
So what is the ROI of all this bloodshed??
Hi Thiru
Do not worry about the weapons.
I do not think much would be left. Only weapon I can think of is the DICK.
I am not sure even LTTP's will have pants left to cover the DICK.
Just think about to become the citizen of Sri Lanka. Mahen has already applied fro.
accept the defeat. DONT WRITE lies. go to the forest and try to kill kids and villagers.
As LTTE strategically keeps withdrawing.... and i stress on the word "strategically" he he...... its still the same guys... cos once they strategically withdraw from SL it will be better than having wounded tigers loitering in the streets begging for money.... come to think of it it will be making life difficult for barber Karunanidhi cos LTTE can withdraw only to India now.... if they can swim like a tiger he he.... i mean can wounded tigers wim...
And mate Mahen.... though you say LTTE will be concerntrated into one area they will have better counter attacking options... also keep in mind one 2K Lbs bomb in one location might take a number of them as well.... as the old saying goes... dont put all your eggs in one basket.... so maybe all LTTEs are like Mahen and others who wants to strategically withdraw to concerntrate their cardres into one area... imagine every bullet will take a tiger terra he he.... man it would be practice shooting for us he he....
Also yea Gurilla warfare ... hmmm good idea.... u mean like petty robbers and thieves from a bad terror group...
he he.... where is all the honor gone Mahen..... oopppsss i forgot thats what LTTE never had.... he he
Guerilla warfare is what we do best. Remember the 80s? Our greatest successes againts the SLA were when we were a guerilla army and not as a conventional army. Just look at how successful the guerilla operations are in the east, the STF is trembling with fear and actually the STF is being supported by the SF as the STF is doing such a bad job in the east.
Let's assume that SLA takes over all of Eelam. How long do you think they can hold on? How long do you think a fourth world country such as sorry lanka can maintain a big army and continue to spend billions on sustaining a big army? The economic factors will contribute to a lower strength SLA and low defence budget. A regime change will also shift focus. Soon the number of occupying SLA soldiers will decrease, that coupled with guerilla strikes will force them to withdraw. Or they will be forced to come to the negotiating tables. Either way, the Tigers win! Have faith bro!
he he... Mahen.... how long do you think eelaam can survive....
Lets see.... 2 1/2 years ... yup thats all cos once we started really taking out the terras in 2006 we have been winning and he he.... sorry terras have been withdrawing... oh i mean tactically withdrawing.... oooohhhhh that gives a new meaning to the famous saying... attack is the best form of defence...
perhaps withdrawing like chicken is the best form of defence.... he he he
oh by the way.... are you still crying cos tamils dont have their own homeland.... ohhh u poor baby.... now now.... dont cry.... there are 100s of thousands of you out there... maybe you can all go to TN and try to act in some kolliwood stinky movie and pretend to be heroes he he he
Mahen ..Mahen...
come up with the reality man without repeating the history...
You wrote about how LTTE got Killi earlier on last week and how they got EP on today..
Don't expect any more repeatitions of the history. That's gone man.
I have a humble request from you.
Why don't you try to save the remained young tamil crowd before they are dead by SLDF.
It'll be a better harvesting time for SLDF in near future when they move towards wanni km by km.
(Don't say that they'll be beaten by the sun goat's super force when they march inwards as you ppl say the same for Killi)
heena balanne natuwa budiyagain....
Mahen, thanks for the reply, i completely have faith in the ltte bro, but my worry is that all the development done by them in the last 20 years is going to waste as the chauvunist government with destroy everything in their sight, the courts, police stations, banks, etc.....if this was to happen i think they should have stayed a guerilla movement without doing that because all their effort is going to be wasted....another problem is that with the occupation of the singhala forces, it will decrease the support base and recruitment base for the ltte and they might even be cornered in because the sla has greater numbers now than before and more international upport since this so called global "war on terror".....the other side effect is the sagging morale of the diaspora, ppl like me and u will always stand behind our leader and heroes however you and i both know that can't be said for the majority, this will create a problem in funding and replenishing weapons.....my greates concern in all this is the fate of the people of eelam who are going to be in the hands of the sla living in open jails and getting abducted, killed and raped, they wont have the security of the ltte like the people of jaffna who are forced to comply with the sla or face dire consequences, the ltte must do something to stop this and save the people or they wont have enough support to return.
menna tiru anna andanoooooo ridilooo....
Guys dont forget....
Mahen how come u removed my post...
Ok ok... i wont tell the truth always when i mentioned all LTTE has is 789 cardres left and only 5 are actual terrorists....
and the remaining are forced recruits whose families are held hostage till they fight...
but hey i wont say those things i said about VP again.. What ever it is he was also created by the same person who created me.... perhaps our creator will take care of him the right way :)
But cmon Mahen, Thiru.... wake up....
no more LTTE... no more eelaam... no more tamil eellam or a homeland....
try to live in harmony brothers....
I know you guys are sentimental about htese things... but hey whose wining he he
Oh by the way....
Total Casualties so far since the war broke...
Terras - 32,353 KIH (Killed In Hiding)
- 12,562 KWR (Killed While Running)
- 2,999 KWPF (Killed by Prabhas Farts)
Its does not matter how many yers its takes to get our freedom its something we must do. we can't live with this sihala modayas.
Their are so stupid, they have not realised they can't rule tamils.
They can try again and again but
in doing so they will only destory their own country.
People are behaind LTTE, with what ever they do. We know very well that shit lanka is going to face
in comming weeks.
dear mahen and tiru brothers peelam is gone nw and we welcome u all to Sri lanka. we all can live in harmony. we welcome u. to this country. with all hospitality.
BUT come with a gud heart.NO MONKEY BUSINESS. no explosives. ok..come with gesture of goodwill and we will embrase you as brothers.
but if u try any money business, with explosives,...remember the white vans. we have plenty of them here.
This is the only aspect that I don't agree with our movement. Why did we build those courts, banks, police etc.? This was just a showcase for the diaspora to show them that their money is being invested. We should have spent the money on better weapons and better training for our cadres. In my opinion TAF is too little too late. In the 90s we spent millions building a showcase Eelam. We should have better spent this money on weapons and destroying the enemy. Running a civil administration and waging a guerilla war for too much for us. Thats why the LTTE has decided to wage guerilla warfare again. The withdrawal from the East was the just the start, what was the point of holding onto dense jungles. Expect the LTTE to return to its roots bro. Eelam concept can wait till we annhilate the enemy! The diaspora needs to be patient.
Oh yea..... did you guys realize that its you guys who keep going back all the time he he he....
whats sad is guys.... u guys are living in a knigtmare and we are living our dream he he he.... best news is....
Yea go back to the primitive age and see if you can find where the Tamils originated... ahhhb like from the sewers like NInja Turtels... excpet they came out from the sewers like wounded dogs with shit on their skin and called themselves tigers he he he...,.
oh i so remember how the tamil girls used to like a nice sinhala ___ yup thats how Mahen some of the intelectual tamils were born :)
most sihalese posting here are racist and cowards who are only here when SLA is allowed to wark in to a town.
They have stupid idea some how if the caputre every part of eelam then they can call that a unified shit lanka.
Eveyone else excpet these racist know that this will not be allowed to happen. Sihalese blood will fllow in sri lanka for long time to come.
Do You know thiru about what ppl do for wild elephants once they capture? They were kept tie and teach how to obey in the civilised society. Same thing should be happened once this is over and it is happening Jafna as well.
If you can remember the 89-90 era, the same thing was happened. there the abduction,killings were much more than these days.
Most of the poeple in Peelam are brain washed and it needs some time them to align with the civilised world.
So it has to be done.
who ever oppose these procedures to be punished.
Hey guys.....
U knw what...
I need to go buy some lands in Killi for my animal farms...
cant waste time here..... need to find some barbers as well ;) know any one.... oh my friend just old me there is one by the name of VP....
perhaps i should actually stop comoing to this site and go buy some of our own lands back... but as they are polluted by ungrateful tamils turned LTTE i might need to wash it with some teepol :)
@ Freedom Fighter
Read your last comment again and decide who are racist?
Did I touch a nerve?! Why did you remove my post?
Now I have to type it all over again and put it on Def.Wire or somewhere...
Pro-SL guys, don't you see the pattern.
Mahen is a victim of an agent in Wanni.
Hoooo hoooo...
Its official...
EP is under siege and about to fall....
563 LTTE cardres are trapped as per intercepted Radio Communications...
SLA has 12 wounded soldiers due to land mines by LTTE...
already 234 LTTE soldier are killed and 55 bodies are with SLA
Sihalese can keep imagining, that
some how they can enslave tamils.
Guys do not forget it becomes possible to use extreame actions in south to. Which has not happen since
tamils try to pay by the rules with Internationl Comunnity & Peace Process.
After all colombo is the new capital of eelam ha ha, that where the most tamils live these days.
Freedom Fighter... thts where you chocked on your own words mate...
If singhala people were fighting the tamils you think there will be any tamils in colombo he h he...
this is only against LTTE... we love our tamil brothers who are true lovers of mother lanka...
we salute those who give info on LTTE traitors.... we have been give the strength by the tamils who want to end the LTTE :) so yup you can call it what ever you want but hey in rality tamils are against LTTE :)
hay since u guys are dreaming abt another guerrilla warfare, take a look at wot we are gonna do.. First we r gonna take control over the little bit of land left and then we r gonna brainwash the young generation who live there... we r gonna give them satellite TV, MCdonalds, KFC and pizzahut restaurants, trips to south and of caouse cricket and bollywood. then we'll see how u could find another single person as suicide bombers... Understand this pal once they get use to a that life they would not want to go back to jungle and fight.. take u guys for examples..u guys just send money so the poor fellows can fight u r war..or take karuna...Its not gonna happen in the future mate..this is 21st century..wake up !!!.. the real war is gonna start once SLA capture mullative.. we are gonna brainwash these kids so hard that they would forget who VP is.... believe me mate the plan is already in action....
shit lanks can keep dreaming about
ltte bodys, at the moment they are not getting any. may be they can use some of ther own dead SLA to please them self.
oh poonai , looks like you are the one who got brained washed. ha ha.
Did all that work in jaffna and the east ? you fools ? did not that work in iraq and afganistant ?
only need hand full of boys less then 100 to bring sri lanka down
which is already the 3rd failed stated. who is going to eat at Mac
when they have to have 50 men with ak 47 to provide secuirty ?
Who is going invest in a failed state
when it takes 5 hours get to the air port ? oh dear do not want to imagine
whats waiting to happen for you country.
Tamils living in colombo because thery are affraid of the occupying SLA, anyone with common sens will know that, obviously sinhala racist will think with briand washed head that its not.
FreedomFigter you can't win ur peelam by commenting blogs. Now is the time LTTP need terrorists. Take a gun and go to war.
You are qualified if you can run fast to make tactical withdrawals! Don't need a brain, which makes you well qualified.
"oh you sound like you hurting from my comments"
More like you are getting hurt. Countryless fool!
hellooow FreedomFighter ,
Let me give you some examples...
look at karuna and the gang.. we washed his brain alright... now he is the no 1 patriot in SL who helps to get rid of his own so called leader once...
and there are many more and yes look at jafna and east.. the "projects" are at full swing.. do you know how many "informants" we sent abroad after getting the info we need? its too ealy to disclose that information right now..but believe me there is a "project" and its at full swing !!..
mate, guerrilla warfare is not gonna work, LTTE cannot go back to that state again and recruit large scale support for it once the development begins and money starts to flow... and yes SL is a poor country but there are big foreign companies who keeps an eye on the rich lands of north and east... they are already in talks to get these precious lands and of cause"Commission" money is flowing to politicians as we speak...
so my friend, you only chance is to hold on to at least one major town..jungles simply will not do..thats the bitter truth pal..
Dnt worry FreedomFighter...ealam is just around the corner..just hold on for a few more months....
any text message (news) from Vanni?
I heard 1000+ SLA died there?
It is really 'hicarious' man, really 'hicarious'!
You have said all what Mahen was saying in the back of his mind when writing his bS.
Please reply .....
See the Map It's getting bigger and Bigger !
where is your People's Army (whatever Grand Ma Brigade)? what happened to it, I thought they would fight for Kilinochchi?
Are they still alive or what?
mahen, my worry is how are we going to;
1) recruit carders
2) find training grounds
3) bring in weapons
4) hospitals for injured
if we lose control of ground.
Also I think by withdrawing into a smaller area we are exposing ourselves to air attacks even more cos SLAF can concentrate their air power to target a smaller area.
We simply cannot afford to withdraw into jungles, we must defend ground if we are to launch a major counter attack. Please give us your take on these metters
[This is the only aspect that I don't agree with our movement. Why did we build those courts, banks, police etc.? This was just a showcase for the diaspora to show them that their money is being invested. We should have spent the money on better weapons and better training for our cadres. In my opinion TAF is too little too late. In the 90s we spent millions building a showcase Eelam. We should have better spent this money on weapons and destroying the enemy. Running a civil administration and waging a guerilla war for too much for us. Thats why the LTTE has decided to wage guerilla warfare again. The withdrawal from the East was the just the start, what was the point of holding onto dense jungles. Expect the LTTE to return to its roots bro. Eelam concept can wait till we annhilate the enemy! The diaspora needs to be patient.]
It's a one pathetic reasoning from your side. Why we built administrative infrastructure in Wanni, bcoz we wanted to show the world that we are running the "De facto State" on the hope of eventual acceptance from the IC just as what they did for Kosovo.
If LTTE wanted to go back to their old guerrilla tactics, i know it's a forced one, not a voluntary move, we are taking our struggles into 20 yrs back. The so called military genius, VP, already took our struggles 10 yrs back by killing Rajiv, now with guerrilla warfare,the Tamil struggles will move back to another 30 years, yes, we will be at square one again, thanks, 10s of thousands of the unmatched sacrifices of our youth will go in vain.
When the very own Wanni people leave LTTE, it will be beginning of the end of LTTE.
What Tamils can take into heart that India won't be a country in 30 or 40 years time as what it is today, there will be so much changes since they are sitting on the time bomb of the Muslim issues. Hopefully added Tamil nationality views in TN will fuel the Tamil separate land in India then with eventual help of these Tamilians and the well settled Diaspora Tamils, we can get back our land from these chauvinist Sinhala rulers.
Bhairav and AK,
The LTTE is the world's most feared guerilla organisation. We got accolades for making the SLDF look like a group of girl scouts selling brownies, and not by running a showpiece de facto state. IC does not equate Tamil Eelam to Kosovo as they simply see our struggle as an insurgency rather than a freedom fight (we have to prove them otherwise). Lest you forget, we are not white skinned either. So don't compare Tamil Eelam to Kosovo.
I say that we go into the jungles, regroup, re-arm, get our guerilla instincts back and strike these girl scouts hard. We are already doing this to a certain extent in the east. Yes, there is plenty of jungles to operate from, we are operating as far south as Yala and as far west at Wilpattu. Unless the SLA burns down every single bit of jungle (which they won't), we will be fine.
PS, We need to get out of the habit of running to the IC, TN and shedding tears when they won't overtly support our struggle. The strength of our liberation movement is our enterprising people and our indigenous methods, screw the IC and TN!
What i think VP did wrong.
1) Killing Rajiv
2) Walking away from RW peace talks
3) Too much believe in so called international community...
I guess now its too late for any kind of resistance.. VP underestimated MR and SF. In the coming months SLA will put its full force on the small area thats left.
All thats left now is to save as many lives as possible and get the best deal out of the GOV.. ponnai is correct guerrilla war is not gonna last long....
Mahen, very interesting what you say..
Im thinking, so you build up so much for tha last 30 years, and now suddenly ltte would like to get cornerd in to one small area and start guerrilla fight?...wow
so let me get strait, you are saying for 30 years no one came up with this idea until now? until SLA hunting ltte like pigs...?
wow very inter sting indeed, you know why? cuz you are trying so much to keep Diaspora people happy as much as you can, you want to give them a BLIND hope....
which makes me laugh.....
one of the things that has to be noted is except for money sucking leeches like vaiko none of the shit nadu tamils seem to care about peelam.
prehistoric actors like rajnican't & whatzhisname are owned by LTTE tamil film companies. so have to put up a show.
what i think tamil dieasspora does wrong-
1) pinning all their hopes on sundog
2) pinning all their hopes on sundog
3) pinning all their hopes on sundog
these fools who call themselves doctors & engineers must have crammed & got degrees. which proves that intelligence & qualifications are two different ball games.
It is wrong to say that Tamils don't have a home. They have and it is called Sri Lanka, not Eelam. But the Tamils who do not recognize a Sri Lankan identity of Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims living in harmony certainly don't have a country. As I always say, this is an eternal struggle and in this we "embrace the moderates and harvest the rest".
Mahen, Bhairav etc
In the 1980s your guerilla tactics worked against a tactically naive, under-trained and under-funded Sri Lankan Army commanded by old school soldiers who had never seen action and were better at drinking whiskey in clubs than fighting.
Today you are up against a battle hardened SLA that is commanded by men who cut their teeth in the Wanni jungles as 2/Lts and Captains fighting guerrillas. If you revert to guerilla tactics you will be facing a SLA that is well versed in SIOT, LRRP and small team operations.
Even in the 90s the Daluwattes, Weerasooriyas and Balagalles - the last generation of SLA chiefs not to be platoon commanders in jungle fighting - tried armoured formation movements down highways and end up losing all the territory they captured and more. Sarath Fonseka and his senior commanders witnessed this and moved away from conventional fighting to small scale infantry operations. In some ways the LTTE's proficiency at conventional warfare foreced the SLA to rely on guerilla tactics. The SLA lost Eelam War 3 in terms of territory and men killed, they will be the convincing winners of Eelam War 4.
When Lehman Brothers went bankrupt the CEO was changed, as Eelam Inc stands on the verge of losing all it's assets aren't you going to change your CEO?
Ltte on the run...wooohaaaaa
Blucher....I have already given mahen and co. the cost break down of Project Ealam, but I think they have non voting shares, so even if they want to, they cant change the CEO.... Only option is to see ur dreams go up in smoke or sell the shares and move on....
Can someone tell me, why did they kill Rajiv? What was the goal? What was teh benefit?
Sujeewa Kokawala,
There are few items we cannot published at the present time.
However we will try to reveal some of the main LTTE set backs as well as sucesses in due course.
They killed Rajiv because it's in Velu's personality to kill anyone who disagrees with him.
Guys is this the proven war tactic VP can do?
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Army moves into Nedunkerni
".....This town was abandoned by the LTTE in...."
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
LTTE vacates from Paranthan
"LTTE has withdrawn from the Paranthan area......."
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Iranamadu withdrawal
".......Thus, the LTTE has decided to vacate the Iranamadu junction and Iranamadu general area as well....."
Friday, 2 January 2009
LTTE withdraws from Kilinochchi
"It is now confirmed that SLA has taken control over Kilinochchi,......"
Monday, 5 January 2009 (today)
LTTE withdraws from Oddusudan
"Reliable sources have informed this blog owner that the LTTE has completed its tactical withdrawal from the Oddusudan....."
Tiger vacate Elephant Pass
"..........The EP complex and its immediate environs were systematically vacated by the LTTE...."
All above are from your blog, not GOSL, not DN, not DW or any other.
A suggestion, Dont you think its high time you search and find more words with simillar meaning to withdrawal/vacating/abandoned...etc?
Anyway nice posts mate, I truely enjoyed, truely !!! keep em commming.LOL
[They killed Rajiv because it's in Velu's personality to kill anyone who disagrees with him.]
One real treacherous act of Rajiv cost his life, which was that he ordered his IPKF general who then was in peace keeping mission in SL to kill VP who was coming to meet the general on the invitation of Rajiv but the general refused to kill VP since it was against the ethics of real soldier to kill someone when he was a guest of that soldier. Top of this Rajiv was the reason for many of our women get raped and killed by IPKF, so VP decided to kill this scumbag in any cost which ultimately put our struggles 10 years back.
Rajiv was no angel by any means, being from the rich family, he still stole millions of $ as commissions from the Bofors gun deal.
Latest ranking in the world of fairy tales:
1). Mahen
2). Tolkin
3). J.K Rowling
4). Hans Krstien Anderson
Dont insult people's intelligence! and dont become a oker!
How about IPKF ambushing Leut. Col. Jhonny while he was involved in negotiations?
What India wanted with Tamileelam back then was what Russia did recently with Abkhazia.
Set up a puppet provincial government, get it to do a few things like TNA (that's Tamil National Army) and when Sri Lanka sends its army to confront TNA send in Indian troops on a humanitarian mission to annex Tamileelam with India.
At the time the choice was between federal with SL or Federal with India.
Agreements of the day way torn apart by the Premadasa administration which went with the conventional thinking. The ability of LTTE to survive against the will of RAW was deemed a no brain-er at the time.
Back then, LTTE fund raising in West and LTTE arms vessels were the stuff of folk law. Anyone who suggested that the LTTE could survive without India was labelled a lunatic.
So where is the next 'Stalingrad'?
History of Ghost towns
Please look at the following article. According to this article (written in 1995), Jaffna is also an empty ghost town and the victory of SLA is useless. Is Jaffna still a ghost town?
hew he he,
How mad these peelamists are!
You have to love the numbers Mahen, Peter and Tamilnet come up with.
300 KIA taking EPS? I mean even a brain dead baffoon would find it hard to believe such a load of horse trash.
You guys have seriously lost the plot. Its quite evident your clutching at thin air trying to give you and your diaspora buddies something to cheer amid all the losses/debacles the LTTE has suffered.
Grow some balls, and atleast try to report the truth, or shut up and pack up like your LTTE buddies are doing in their beloved Wanni.
I'm sure you can write an excellent post titled "Tiger vacate Sri Lanka" in the near future. You might as well get working on it now. Good luck with it.
read this guys, this is the truth.
The Age - Why the conflicts in Gaza and Sri Lanka will continue
"Remember the 80s? Our greatest successes againts the SLA were when we were a guerilla army and not as a conventional army."
Let me add to what Blucher and others have mentioned about the new and improved SLA.
The LTTE succeeded in guerrilla warfare in the 1980s because it had a sanctuary to retreat to: Tamil Nadu. Thalaivar wasn't even in Sri Lanka at all between 1983 and 1987- he was hiding in Madras and giving orders via wireless. Thalaivar had to move back to SL after the Indo-Lanka Accord was signed, but even during combat with the IPKF the LTTE was able to get supplies and weapons from Tamil Nadu and send wounded cadre there.
The LTTE will not survive guerrilla warfare today because it no longer has such sanctuary. The Tigers can run into the jungle, but the SLA will already be there waiting for them. If Thalaivar allows the SLA to overrun the remaining LTTE territory, the cadre may or may not be able to escape but all those military stocks, munitions etc. which the LTTE had painstakingly built over the decades will be wiped out.
I need a clarification from Mahen.
According to PRO-LTTE media, it is SLDF who has the largest KIA than LTTP(SLDF KIA is several times that of LTTP). Then why they are telling about a tamil genocide?
it is appearing in TN yesterday as well
Hi Mahen,
Will my all LTTE comrades finally tactically withdraw from Sri Lanka to regroup at my present place at heaven!!
"One real treacherous act of Rajiv cost his life, which was that he ordered his IPKF general who then was in peace keeping mission in SL to kill VP who was coming to meet the general on the invitation of Rajiv but the general refused to kill VP since it was against the ethics of real soldier to kill someone when he was a guest of that soldier. Top of this Rajiv was the reason for many of our women get raped and killed by IPKF, so VP decided to kill this scumbag in any cost which ultimately put our struggles 10 years back.
Rajiv was no angel by any means, being from the rich family, he still stole millions of $ as commissions from the Bofors gun deal".
OK. now cook one up for sri sabaratnsm, mahattaya, premadasa, lakshman kadiragamar, neelan tiruchelvan, hacking of sinhala village peasants & kattankudy mosgue massacre.
all the best.
Did anyone seen Mahen?
I think he is busy with his secret connections(www.rivira.lk).
"systematically vacated by the LTTE" thoge ammata....
Pako dan wath oka nawathapiya. Pona katha tika nawathala thoge wadak balaganin.
**Let's assume that SLA takes over all of Eelam. How long do you think they can hold on?**
Forever and for always mate :) The LTTE has lost its support (both in terms of manpower and financial. er.. i mean extortion!)
**How long do you think a fourth world country such as sorry lanka can maintain a big army and continue to spend billions on sustaining a big army?***
So why do you most tamils live in colombo in the lap of luxury enjoying high office in both private and public sector if SL is a sorry 4th world country? Why do you think this is so? Once the sorry ass of Pripahahan is kicked out of Sri Lanka directly to HELL, there will be enough money flowing in terms of investment to turn this country into paradise.
**The economic factors will contribute to a lower strength SLA and low defence budget.**
**A regime change will also shift focus.**
Ahhhhh... the cat or should i say the "wounded tiger" is out of the bag. :) you want that pansy RW in power so that you can have things your way. you killed all the real leaders of the UNP and left it with noone else but RW so that you can have it your way. When CBK went against you, you tried to bump her off... Now you try to bump off MR. You did the same with all the Tamil leaders who were not with you. Is this the form of regime change you are envisaging?
**Soon the number of occupying SLA soldiers will decrease, that coupled with guerilla strikes will force them to withdraw.**
Did you go to some sort of fiction writing class!! Keep at it and you'll be able to write a better story than "Harry Potter"
**Or they will be forced to come to the negotiating tables.**
man your conclusions are as weird and stupid as to your reasoning.
**Either way, the Tigers win! Have faith bro!**
Tigers will win.. in Hell.. and we have faith in that :)
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