Friday, 3 April 2009

Towards the Winning Post

SLDF is continuing their operations at close proximity to the borders of the government declared No Fire Zone (NFZ). It is no secret the LTTE have built up strong points in the NFZ from day one and operate from there hiding behind civilians. They have built sand bunds, bunkers and other strategic strong points inside the NFZ. Therefore the SLDF have to seriously consider the merits of infiltration in to the NFZ to neutralize some of these strategic strong points and/or LTTE assets. This may or may not be happening – EFT cannot confirm nor deny if SLDF are actually operating inside the NFZ. All we can say is that IF that is the case, it would be just small SF teams with the sole intention of taking out key LTTE members and assets out of action. They would be “hit-and-run” type operations carried out with expert skill and pin-point accuracy.

However, the LTTE are also actively seeking loopholes in the FDLs (Forward Defence Lines) of the SLA to infiltrate and launch surprise attacks from behind. They also seek to take over SLA armouries and ammunition dumps to replenish their dwindling hardware and consumables. The Army are well aware of these tactics from the lessons learnt from the past.

Large numbers of LTTE fighters, both hardcore higher level cadres and new recruits are killed or taken out of action on a daily basis. We will not comment on casualty figures of SLDF.

During the past few days the LTTE do appear to have built more sand bunds in the NFZ and mustered up more civilians to join the fighting forces. This they do by a mixture of coercion and indoctrination. These changes will influence military strategies of SLDF. Undoubtedly, these are the final days of the military conflict and the only hope for the LTTE leaders could be described in a 7-letter word.

We leave it with you our readers to suggest what that word might be. You may suggest more than one 7-letter word (or indeed words of any length in any language).


LRRU said...

Suicide - The 7 Letter word

I got it First!!!

Bloggy Boy said...


Bloggy Boy said...

i got it first....typed it second :P

Unknown said...


This is one of your best articles to date. I can think of several 7 letter words, but due to your "No profanity" policy I will refrain from mentioning it here. Thanks for keeping your blog running while others like DW and DN are dying.

Mahen said...

Ladies, ladies,

Stop fighting like little girlies...

To be hones I had a different 7 letter word in mind, but "suicide" is an option. Well done to both of you.

Strictly no profanity, so keep those words between your ears please.

But keep any other words of 7 letters coming.

පංකාදු ලංකා said...


අකුරු 7 යි

For those who cannot read Sinhala..

"divinasaaganna" - to commit suicide

7 letters in Sinhala

පංකාදු ලංකා said...


කොටි හරි කැමතියි පිටුපසින් ගහන්න (Tamilnet.TV වෙබ් අඩවිය බලන්න). ඒකට ඉඩතියන්න එපා. උන්ට අපේ පැත්තට රිංගන්න ඉඩ තියන්න එපා කිසිම වෙලාවක. ඔබේ ඉදිරි ආරක්ෂක වලල්ල ඇස් දෙක වගේ බලාගනිල්ලා පුතේ.

ICT Consortium said...

Thanks mahen for your updates

Asanga said...

VP only can saved by a



Puran Appu said...

Time ticking down for Sri Lanka's rebel leader

Puran Appu said...

Sri Lanka troops take key village, kill 44 rebels

COLOMBO (AFP) – Sri Lankan security forces captured a key village from Tamil Tiger rebels on Friday after heavy fighting that left at least 44 guerrillas dead, a military spokesman said.
Troops moved into Anandapuram, which the rebels had been using as a logistics base, after intense clashes on Thursday, Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had been putting up stiff resistance to prevent the army taking the village, the spokesman said.
He said two senior LTTE leaders were among 44 rebels killed in Thursday's fighting.
The Tiger guerrillas are battling to hold back a military assault that has pushed them into a 20 square kilometre (eight square mile) patch of land in the northeast of the island.
The United Nations and foreign aid organisations say as many as 150,000 civilians may be trapped in the combat zone, although the Sri Lankan government insists the figure is less than half that.
At the height of their power in the mid-1990s, the Tigers controlled more than a third of the total land mass of Sri Lanka as they pushed for an independent Tamil homeland.

පංකාදු ලංකා said...


Thanks for the link.

Now that's what I call an unbiased article.

BBC take note. Learn from this guy how to write properly.

Mahen said...

So far we have:

suicide (singala & english words)
miracle - good one!

Any more offers?

Anonymous said...

No FDLs after few weeks but LTTE cadres will be there all over the island... Of course threat is high in NE, specially in wanni as SLA has more assets there and tigers know the territory better and they need weapons. So SLA must be prepared for the new game...

Pottu said...


Why not take that note and shove it up Priyath Liyanage's a^r^&&%$s&)*&%e?

Mahen, hope you don't apply the no profanity policy on me, I am one of your biggest fans!

පංකාදු ලංකා said...


If you could get Mr Liyanage over here to Pukka Land, I will see what I can do.

We have a special welcome team for traitors. They will arrange for a gleaming white van to be sent to the airport to pick him up. He will then be garlanded with a special "කැළණි" brand garland made with top quality Srilankan latex rubber to give him a truly warm (if not hot) welcome.

Afterwards he will be sent to මුතුරාජ වෙල for a lovely picnic from which he would never want to return.

How about that?

Unknown said...

'CYANIDE'This must be the only way out for them. What cowardice do they(LTTE) display. To hide behind sarees in fear of the security forces must surely be the most disgraceful thing they would have done to the blood thirsty Tamil diaspora around the world.

Mahen said...



You hit the jackpot!

CYANIDE was the 7 letter word I was looking for.

Here's your Winner's Trophy

But don't stop the contest. The next best 7 letter (or any letter) word will also get a consolation prize from EFT for creativity.

Sam Perera said...

I agree with Rayan, the word is MIRACLE.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


You said;

...and the only hope for the LTTE leaders could be described in a 7-letter word.

Since you said "only hope" it can't be suicide or cyanide.

Few suggestions for 7-letter word.

1. Runaway
2. Zlin143
3. America
4. Britain

Although I still consider 1 and 2 as possibilities, I have ruled out 3 and 4. It's gone past that point of bailout. If it happens it should already have.

Sam Perera said...


You sound so funny, yet I don't trust you :)


Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Ha ha. The winner is Cyanide then.

I also like Miracle.

BTW, the tiger in winner's medallion can't be of LTTE. This one is very thin and looks to be w/o food. Does not look like someone stealing the food of civilians and selling them at the world's highest prices of each food item.

Mahen said...

My darling Sam,

You can't trust anyone these days...all

Anonymous said...

Oh...seems like there is a sure winner...

But hey mahen here is my entry:

LTTE leaders can only hope for "NOTHING".

Mahen said...

...hmmm..."NOTHING" is surely what the LTTE could hope for now. But show us some creativity ladies, some wit...I will add "NOTHING" to my list anyway.

Don't forget, you can also think of singala words, as long as you tell me how to read them and the meaning.

YYZ->CMB said...


To all those who have Tamil collegues, that continue to show dead bodies, claiming that your people (SLA) did this...(yes, I live in Toronto :P)

Show them this one:

I'd hate to prolifer images of anyone is such misery, but hopefully this will bring some sense to Tamils in Toronto. This is what their donations are doing to the people that actually live in Northern Sri Lanka.

Diyasena said...

What about 'America'

Sam Perera said...

"My darling Sam,

You can't trust anyone these days...all"

My honey bunny

You should know that for the type of business you are in.

Anonymous said...

I write these words of great wisdom on behalf of Lord Navindran the greatest 'eelam' economist of our time!

LTTE'S only hope is the "SLRS/US$" rate

soorapappa...සූරපප්පා said...

ඈ බන් මහෙන්, සින්හල දන්නෙම නැද්ද?

ආසාවට සින්හලෙන් මොනවහරි කියන්නකො බලන්න. එතකොට ගොඩක් අය ඒවි ඔබගේ බ්ලොග් එකට. :)

ammata udu... meka liyanakota dakke me tika ["singala words, as long as you tell me how to read them and the meaning".]

Hikaaaaaaaasssssssss... muu nam sure ekatama LTTE eka epaauna diaspora kenek.

BALAGENAI LAMAINE... muu ayeth pulli maaru karanna ida tiyenawa. pudgalika/sensitive thoraturu deemen walakinna !!!

Bye for now :))

YYZ->CMB said...


To all those who have Tamil collegues, that continue to show dead bodies, claiming that your people (SLA) did this...(yes, I live in Toronto :P)

Show them this one:

I'd hate to prolifer images of anyone is such misery, but hopefully this will bring some sense to Tamils in Toronto. This is what their donations are doing to the people that actually live in Northern Sri Lanka.

perein said...

What about one of these for the 2nd price ?

1. LTTE to abandon terror.
2. Due to actions by LRRP
3 Now LTTE are airless due to no TAF airline , therefore all terrorists can walk in a airpark soon.
4. Alright, LTTE can try to claim asylums, but not sure it will becomes accptable by West.
5. Only way for LTTE is to insert a biochip in to a bicycle. Then start cycling while eating Cyanide with out winging.

Sam Perera said...


Matath ehema hithuna. Hebei, muu hondata lanu kaarayek.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


I do not think you cannot read Sinhala. But I like you keeping your covet nature. I find some of your news as not true. You are not as credible as DW/DN etc. The covet nature makes all to suspect you anyway.

But you have won the presence of all. Long ago when you made that famous Nachchi Kudah statement and when none of us knew who you were, I made the comment that whatever is lost, you made a blog where ppl visit often and that is a victory. That stands even today.

But I do not think that you are the replacement for DW. Trust is the last thing you get and last thing you seem to want. Keep it up in your way.

Anonymous said...

All set for the world's largest hostage rescue mission!!

Mango said...

What is the LTTE's strategy, now?
This is really aimed at the Eelamtards.

When the strategic situation was unfavourable for the SLA forces, we engaged in endless debate about the correct strategy to follow.

Fortunately it was glaringly obvious and has been followed through, relentlessly. i.e. to destroy the LTTE's combat capacity by destroying its fighting units.

What on earth is the LTTE hoping for now?

UN/US/EU foreign intervention?

The BJP winning the elections and pressuring GOSL into a ceasefire?

Divine intervention? Another tsunami to halt the SLA offensive?

A miraculous recovery and counter-attack with ... er... what?

perein said...


Would have to leave The BJP win and pressuring GOSL into a ceasefire. In 2 months from now game should be over before BJP or ruling party get re-elected.

Another tsunami to halt the SLA offensive?
Well another Tsunami should completely wipe out LTTE from land too.

However international pressure going to play a big parts during next few weeks / months. Let’s hope we can have pork curry before any of those nations get intervene.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

/What is the LTTE's strategy, now?/

Beg for ceasefire (for few more days only..) After that LTTE forign wing aka diASSpora will do the fighting on political front... What we are getting is a militory victory. Any militory victory can be reversed in hours via a poltical victory..

You can see the hardcore web fighters (Navindran/ channaiguy @ LNP etc) already started the next phase. This is propaganda front and aim is to keep the moral up for diASSpora. In SL federal elements will restart their work which is going to be more crucial. NGOs, INGOs, HR heros also resart their job in new phase. You can see in the international front diASSpora already had a big head start.

Mango said...

Totally agree about the next phase.

Unrelenting pressure on GOSL through INGOs, sympathetic Western politicians, local politicians, peace merchants and other front organisations.

But for that to have any effect, even a small part of the current LTTE leadership has to survive and remain in Sri Lanka.

Insurgencies need leaders on the ground to keep the whole thing going. How will the LTTE do that?

I presume that the SLA MI have a good idea of the current LTTE leadership structure, in Sri Lanka. The next phase will be as difficult as the current military phase.

I only hope that the same focus is maintained on keeping the LTTE on the run.

Any ideas from Eelamists?

Romeo said...


Jolly good,

Marvellous to see most of old DW bloggers are here like vultures to a dead carcass.

Nisal said...

Smiles After Tears: A nice documentary on escaped civilians.

WARNING: Not suitable for the diaspora.

Part 1

Part 2

Nisal said...

Sam, Soorapappa,

Mu sinhala dannawada nadda mama danne na, hebeyi sinhala kunuhabba nam danna wa. (eg. puken appu, thama ewa thibba issara)

Unknown said...

Can somebody translate what is written here.

Senthuran said...

சார்ல்ஸ் அன்டனி தளபதி அமிதாப் வீரமரணம்
April 3, 2009 3:04 PM
Bhairav said...

Re: சார்ல்ஸ் அன்டனி தளபதி அமிதாப் வீரமரணம்

I couldn't believe it!! His speech was around online few weeks back and he propped up the spirits of Global Tamils in his speech. RIP brother!

I guess the battles are heating up, otherwise how in the earth we lost few Lt.Colonels and Colonel in less than 48 hours. Pulikalinkural is quiet about their casualties.
April 3, 2009 3:31 PM
Peter said...

நம்பமறுக்கிறது மனம்

I'll call his brother later to check.

Bigger lose the Brig. Tamilselvan.
April 3, 2009 3:33 PM
Peter said...

Bigger lose than Brig. Tamilselvan.

He was one of the best commanders.
April 3, 2009 3:33 PM
Saman Kumara Ramawickrama said...

நம்பமறுக்கிறது மனம்

Tholvi Nilaiyena Ninaththal, manithan Vaalvai Ninaikkalama. Intha vasanaththai elithinalum, manam kalanguthu. Ithai aankilathil eluthathinkoo. sinhalavan thulli kuthippan.
April 3, 2009 3:41 PM
Bhairav said...

Guys, LTTE is the losing the grip in PTK?
April 3, 2009 4:11 PM
Saman Kumara Ramawickrama said...

Nettu neengal eluthineenga theepan aayiram perudan chundikulaththil enru. Enakku nambikkai vanthathu. Kadavulai kumpittu oru palanum illai. Kaliyukaththil, Keddavanukku thaan kaalam.
April 3, 2009 4:24 PM
khanthas said...

Manam kalaginalum mathi kalanga maatar emmavar! Intha tharma poril ethanyo thalapathikal uruvarkal.
April 3, 2009 4:37 PM
Laptop Kumara Ramawickrama said...

Intha news unmai entral, nettu globaltamil news reported.

கடந்த ஞாயிறு திங்கட்கிழமைகளில் இடம்பெற்ற மோதல்களில் விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் கடுமையான தாக்குதல்களில் 650 படையினருக்கு மேல் கொல்லப்பட்டு பெருந்தொகையான படையினர் கடும் காயங்களுக்கு உள்ளாகி யுத்தகளத்தில் இருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டுள்ளதாக இராணுவதரப்புச் செய்திகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

இந்த மோதலில் குறிப்பிட்டளவிலான நிலப்பரப்பு புலிகளிடம் வீழ்ச்சியடைந்து அடுத்த 18 மணிநேரத்தில் மீழக் கைப்பற்றப்பட்டதாகவும் அந்தப் பெயர்குறிப்பிடாத பாதுகாப்பு தரப்பு தெரிவித்துள்ளது. எனினும் படையினரின் கனரக ஆயுதங்கள் உட்பட பெரும் அளவிலான ஆயுதங்களை புலிகள் தம்வசப்படுத்தியதாகவும் அந்தத் தரப்பு தெரிவித்தது.

எனினும் மிகவும் நம்பகமான தகவல்களின்படி இந்தத் தொடர் மோதலில் ஈடுபட்ட சாள்ஸ் அன்றனிப் படைப்பிரிவு எதிர்பார்த்த இலக்கை அடைந்த பின் தமது தளம் திரும்பிய வேளை படையினர் நடத்திய வான் மற்றும் எறிகணைத் தாக்குதல்களில் அகப்பட்டு லெப்டினன் கேணல் மற்றும் கேணல் தரங்களிலான 3 முக்கிய தளபதிகளை விடுதலைப் புலிகள் இழந்துள்ளதாக தெரியவருகிறது. ஆனால் இது குறித்து விடுதலைப் புலிகள் தரப்பில் செய்திகள் வெளியாகவில்லை.
April 3, 2009 4:57 PM
Peter said...

"லெப்டினன் கேணல் மற்றும் கேணல் தரங்களிலான 3 முக்கிய தளபதிகளை"

கோபித் & அமிதாப் லெப்டினன் கேணல் தரம்

எந்த கேணல்?
April 3, 2009 5:08 PM
ranuka said...

Peter you self important twat !!!
Looks like u know every commanders brother, mother, father..etc
In reality you know jack....
April 3, 2009 5:19 PM
Laptop Kumara Ramawickrama said...

எந்த கேணல்?

This happened because of too much confidence. This happened in 1993 in Pooneri.
April 3, 2009 5:26 PM
Peter said...


News is still not confirmed by any official sources. Better to wait to find out what happened.

ithuvaraikum yaarum கோபித் pati entha thahavalum veliyidavillai.

Anyone listened to VoT veerachaavu arivithal on 03rd?
April 3, 2009 5:38 PM

Nisal said...

Details of the final rescue mission?

Prasad Gunaratne said...

what about surrend?

Unknown said...

Hey Mahen

Thanks for the trophy. you can count on me to place it on the mantle. I am really glad to hit the jackpot with my first comment ever.

Although not a 7 letter word the only other hope LTTE leaders have, in my view is 'TAMILNADU'. It is quite evident that this bunch are cowards & are afraid to die, Unlike many innocent tamils who were herded to their deaths by making them suicide bombers etc., Therefore it is highly unlikely that this bunch has any courage to face the army or take their lives(as they have preached their colleagues for years). Their only option is to flee the country. The only place in the world where they can hide safely, is possibly Tamil Nadu. It is apparent that no other country will want to harbour international terrorists and mass murderers putting their country at stake. Therefore the only plausible option & hope for these cowards(I emphasise on this)is to flee to Tamil Nadu where they have likeminded maniacs & blood thirsty fleas(albeit a minority).

Unknown said...

Hey Mahen

Thanks for the trophy. you can count on me to place it on the mantle. I am really glad to hit the jackpot with my first comment ever.

Although not a 7 letter word the only other hope LTTE leaders have, in my view is 'TAMILNADU'. It is quite evident that this bunch are cowards & are afraid to die, Unlike many innocent tamils who were herded to their deaths by making them suicide bombers etc., Therefore it is highly unlikely that this bunch has any courage to face the army or take their lives(as they have preached their colleagues for years). Their only option is to flee the country. The only place in the world where they can hide safely, is possibly Tamil Nadu. It is apparent that no other country will want to harbour international terrorists and mass murderers putting their country at stake. Therefore the only plausible option & hope for these cowards(I emphasise on this)is to flee to Tamil Nadu where they have likeminded maniacs & blood thirsty fleas(albeit a minority).

Unknown said...

Dear Mahen,
Your information is highly appreciated. We love our motherland. That is why we are always in touch with news whenever we can, although we live thousands of miles away from Sri lanka. you are giving valueble updates than other sites.
eth machan apita lanu denna epa ban. Api ahinsaka citizenla lankawe.I was really misled about Pottu amman story.

Anyway keeep up with your good work.


Pierre said...

They can hope for NIRVANA. Its another matter they will attain or not.

Karu said...

Army storms in to LTTE defence; seize 130mm Artillery gun- Anandapuram

Wow... I thought these kinds of things happen only in Hollywood movies!!

||::CeylonDefence::|| said...



||::CeylonDefence::|| updated

Click here


Widana said...

අන්න ඉන්දුනීසියාවෙ භූමිකම්පාවක්ලු.
සුනාමියක් එනව කියල ලවුඩ් ස්පීකරයෙන් කිව්වනන්, NFZ එකෙ කට්ටියට එන්න කියල?

Pansilu said...

Velavan Master,

Nice day dream buddy!

Could you do better that that?

Alpha said...

Hey Mahen,
Can u please sing "Ha Ha Hari hawa" with me? Loud! ok?
I wanna c whether u pronounce it like
"Ga Ga gali gawa"!


Mahen said...

As requested, "Smiles After Tears" videos got added to the side bar. Recommended to use the Firefox.

Anonymous said...

Mahen/Badrinath, more ingredients for making another one of your delicious punnaku pies for di-ass-pora at 'Monkey today'....

130mm Artillery gun

Those pies are diassporas' only hope...eases the sorrow and achieves instant peelam.

Widana said...

[Nice day dream buddy!

Could you do better that that?]

No.. can't do any better. That would be ideal, to get the civilians out without a shot being fired.

I'm not Bhairav said...

Editor: "Badrinath" said... two day ago

Go watch the video of an artillery gun being bombed. Watch the time stamp. They show the tractor parking under a tree at 10:58. Then the camera cuts ahead to 11:30 where a bomb is dropped.

Why would the vehicle stay there for the hald hour it took to bring the bomber. All I see in that video is an empty road getting bombed.

Badri, has publised fake photos of a 'destroyed' arti gun to disprove your sound theory of bombing

fake pic 1
fake pic 2
fake pic 3
fake pic 4

LOL. SLA has gone to the extent of destroying their own guns inorder to get pictures to disrepute badri.


Mahen said...

Do I hear a fat lady singing?

Mahen said...

PS, ladies, the Pottu news wasn't a figment of our imagination. The source was highly credible, we will all see the truth in a few days.

Unknown said...


Puran Appu said...

Go watch the video of an artillery gun being bombed. Watch the time stamp. They show the tractor parking under a tree at 10:58. Then the camera cuts ahead to 11:30 where a bomb is dropped.

This artillery gun was first detected by a forward fighting unit of Sri Lanka Army and was attacked first by this unit. How ever the driver who drove the Tractor managed to escape with wounds and tried to hide the Gun inside tree canopy. This was seen by a SLAF UAV since UAV's, Beech crafts and recently acquired special systems are monitoring the remaining area 24*7.

Then the fighter Jets were called in and destroyed it. That's why you see the tractor parking under a tree at 10:58. Then the camera cuts ahead to 11:30 where a bomb is dropped

Puran Appu said...

SLAF rejects media reports on LTTE aircraft

April 4, 2009 12:49 pm

The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) rejected a news report published by some international media outlets saying that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was in possession of another light aircraft.

SLAF spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said they have not received any information over another light air craft belonging to the LTTE. According to him, four light aircraft of the LTTE were already destroyed by the government forces during the past two years. Seven air strips have also been captured by the forces during the ongoing operations in the North.

However some international media said that the Tamil Tigers may still have an aircraft left in their arsenal. Media reports said civilians had sighted this aircraft on several occasions and repairs are being done on the aircraft by the LTTE technicians inside a hut.

Some defence observers also believe the existence of another aircraft reserved for the exclusive use of their leader V. Prabhakaran for him to get away when the need arises.

Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks for the update Puran.

Puran Appu said...

Ultimatum To Tigers To Free Civilians – United Nations

පංකාදු ලංකා said...


Your explanation is credible because the SLA is operating at very close proximity to the LTTE frontlines, SLA may well have spotted this gun being transported and attacked.

However, I do not like the way these images are edited before publishing on the net. They should be edited by two experts; an expert video editor and a military expert. The clips should have captions and/or subtitles to explain to us laymen what is going on. If these images are presented in a better way we won't have any of these disputes.

Sri Lanka must leanr how to present ideas, facts and reports in a much better way, at a much higher level of quality.

Take a good idea and presnt it badly, you make a mockery of the good idea.

Puran Appu said...


My Pleasure Bro.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the clarification regarding the Arti gun.

Badri thinks he is a very smart assed Tamil and has the ability to create stories out of nothing.

Anonymous said...

You still stand by your pottu tale huh....


I'm not Bhairav said...

PuligalToday started comment moderation today :)

Mahen said...

Being Nobody,
There are things you would never ever find out as a normal civilian.
(If you are not a normal civilian you would not be here)

Open your eyes and see how SLA managed to target high profile places belong to LTTE.

Respect the intel and keep the fingers busy with typing somthing useful.

Miss Information said...

Blogger I'm not Bhairav said...

PuligalToday started comment moderation today :)

Actually, as I have mentioned on a number of blogs, the silly scribes of Scarborough over at Puligal have been censoring me for two weeks as well as erasing some posts relating to my many criticisms of their poorly conceived and badly written propaganda nonsense.

They are gutless cowards, much like war criminals they venerate as heroes.


Anonymous said...

ok ok mahen...

Pottu is in...

His driver is in...

I'm not Bhairav said...

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Peter, could you clarify on the Gopith and Amuthab story? Are both confirmed false?

April 4, 2009 11:51 AM


The above post was from the real Badri (17030941526579143296)


Sujeewa Kokawala said...


SLAF rejects media reports on LTTE aircraft

I can take this as right if MI reported this. But going by the history of SLAF I find it hard to trust. Surely the number of planes is not logged in MOD as we are yet to find all the routes which they came from and those who are involved in logistics. Only way to keep track of that count is by means of strong MI.

I think we should NOT rule out Pussycat planes. The threat should not be relaxed even if we capture all territory. They can keep them in hiding in a jungle and use for suicide operations. They can launch them from outside, TN or ocean.

SLAF should not scale down their capacity for detection and elimination. Instead they should work more on those. Past pussycat aerial adventures showed a naked side of the Defence of our nation.

Diyasena said...

Peter's mother and sister msut be public property in Eezham..Thats why all LTTE leaders are his brothers and brother-in-laws

Anonymous said...

/ I'm not Bhairav said...

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

Peter, could you clarify on the Gopith and Amuthab story? Are both confirmed false?

April 4, 2009 11:51 AM


The above post was from the real Badri (17030941526579143296)


If you read carefully you may find that the editor Badrinath is actually attacking LTTE while he pretends attacking GSL. Also, he doesn't have battlefield related news and every thing he writes is based on news on the web. In contrast, Mahen hinted some things related to the battlefield which may suggest he is close to SLA MI.

Widana said...

There is a an 'article' on Tamilnet about a Sinhala mob attacking a peaceful 'Eezam' Tamil rally.
Nothing could be further from the truth. There was a peaceful Sri Lankan rally protesting against LTTE holding human shields. Some provocative LTTE thugs came around with a tiger flag and some banners. This was the start of the whole problem. The tiger-supporters were arrested because they were specifically instructed to stay away from this area.
Also the Tamilnet article shows a windscreen smashed in. This video shows the windscreen intact. I hope the thugs get caught for insurance fraud as well.

Puran Appu said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

I think we should NOT rule out Pussycat planes. The threat should not be relaxed even if we capture all territory. They can keep them in hiding in a jungle and use for suicide operations. They can launch them from outside, TN or ocean.

I agree with you Bro.

What ever said by SLAF, I think they too have doubts. Recently SLAF carried out an Air defence Rehearsals in Sigiriya & China Bay. This proves it.

Nisal said...

Breaking News

PTK fully captured killing 80 more pussies.

KillerT said...


Whats the fucking source .This is superb ....quick....

naththam umbala ara waduranwa rawattannada kiuwe??

Mahen said...

Biggest hostage in the world all most over. Flood gates should open any minute / hour or day.

Meanwhile, please avoid unsuitable wording for public domain. Let's make the world better place for everyone.

I'm not Bhairav said...

I'd love to believe you. In yesterday's news the pro-government news reporter said, the coming two to three days will be highly important in the conflict


Rana said...

Nisal Macho,

What is your sorce?

Mahen bro, give us another posting tonight!

Velavan Master,

Bro, I enjoyed your video link thoroughly! Good lesson for LTTE supporting MFs.

Well done Melbourne patriots.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

/Meanwhile, please avoid unsuitable wording for public domain. /

moko tho sil aranda?

I'm not Bhairav said...

Rana its in the situation report. I have copied it below


MULLAITTIVU: Bringing a long fought battle in PUTHUKKUDIYIRUPPU area to an end Army brought the whole PUTHUKKUDIYIRUPPU area under their control by Sunday (5) morning.

More details will follow.

Rana said...


Wachana sera wediyi neda bakko!

Be careful when you talk to congregation!!!!

Rana said...

I am not Bhairav,

Hey, I talked to Nisal, who are you to answer dear?

KillerT said...

Whole PTK captured.
Bodies of 420 ltte found-MCNS

Puran Appu said...

Bodies of Theepan & Vidusha recovered with over 500 LTTE bodies during last 3 Days. Apart from these bodies unaccounted number is in pieces.

Also, It's amazing the accuracy of SLAF s' recent attacks. I got a big doubt whether they acquired new fighters with Guided missiles in the very recent past.

I'm not Bhairav said...

Pansilu, sorry for jumping in the middle.

KillerT can you publish the MCNS link which carries the story. I dont see it there?

Anonymous said...

KillerT said...

i got a news alert.

Mahen said...

Please stand by......

I'm not Bhairav said...

I can confirm Badrinath is fast asleep. He's going to wake to a rude shock when he sees 100s of dead bodies on the GOSL defence web sites.

Mahen said...

We have published an update!

Mahen said...

New artilce is out for you.

Unknown said...

Get ready once a again will start soon