58 Division has captured the 300m long beach front where Farah 3 sank. However LTTE still operate from Farah 3 which should get cleared soon too. Div 59 had some casualties due to heavy morning/afternoon fighting yesterday (13th of May), initially lost small ground been captured and increased the thrust. SLA is advancing with caution while SLN are busy guarding the sea area without leaving any gaps for the terrorists to escape.
EFT can confirm that, LTTE MBRL operators got wiped out by 58 division during last 24 hours. This comes as a huge blow to terrorists that last remaining MBRL’s won’t be available to be used by LTTE artillery division. While water is boiling, Sri Lanka president has left to Jordon this morning for 3 day visit. As mentioned in our previous article, the president won’t be able to discuss the security issues during the visit.
Human Wrongs !
Meanwhile, Human Rights organisation (should we say “Human wrongs”!) has requested to delay the IMF loan for Sri Lanka (see hrw.org). UN Security Council in its first formal session on Sri Lanka, condemned the LTTE for its acts of terrorism and recognised Sri Lanka's right to fight against terror.
Updated @ 09:55 BST
- 1000s queuing up to leave the NFZ and we can expect an exodus.
- 3 unicorns and 2 more suicide boats were captured yesterday evening by 53 division. Due to SLA's uninterrupted offensive and the heat wave the LTTE are running leaving behind their weapons. The LTTE is finding it difficult to sustain the defensive operation against the SLA as the Army maintains the freshness required in the troops due to the abundance of man power in reserve. This has resulted in 1000s of civilians queuing up to leave the NFZ.
59 recuing civilians via a cable through Nanthikadal lagoon. Due to LTTE shooting some civilians got killed, but heaps are still making the use of the cable.
Updated @ 10:55 BST
It’s a Photo Shoot. Look at the picture on the right - the girl shoots victims' actions with a Smile (she also holds a photo camera). Wow…
What an ACT! That’s the reality of LTTE’s (and Tamilnet’s) News.
(Readers may have to click on image to see the bigger view, compare the right pic to left)

Watch this space for further updates. We will bring round the clock updates to you from now on.
Thanks for the article.
Brother, Thanks for the update!
Can we expect a 58 + 59 merge soon?
Mahen Aunty,
Full Active Wage...
Nice to see.. Ohoma Yan...
58 59 mege wont happen immediately as they have around 2km to go.
/58 59 mege wont happen immediately as they have around 2km to go./
So if both (58+53) and 59 advance 100m a day within 10 days they meet..!!
You are writing without the skirt and blouse. I can see knickers and the bra!
Any way thanks, bro for the entertainment!
Human wrong watch .. hikz..
or Tigers rights watch..?
SLA is doing opposite of what they really wanted to do!
59 div should advance closer to Nanthi kadal lagoon according to original plan but now they are on the sea front.
Leadership is hiding closer to lagoon rather than sandy beach
HR the MF.org. is now animal lovers! Tigers are endangered species and should be protected by HRW.
I believe Farah 111 is stationed very close to Nandikadal bay mouth. The distance between the above mentioned beachfront and the bay mouth (where 59 is at) should be less than 1km(?). (Please correct me if I am wrong). But if I am correct then I do not believe this story about this beach front being captured by 58. (Of course I know that Rama and Mahen never lie (:-) )
Farah 111 is not stationed, it is grounded there!!
Thank you for the article.
Looks like we can have "Bhaji" on NFZ beach now :)
All I can say is that we Don't have time only 48 hrs
U know Who! said...
SLA is doing opposite of what they really wanted to do!
59 div should advance closer to Nanthi kadal lagoon according to original plan but now they are on the sea front.
Well Not Really.
From what i got to know, some units of the 59 has advanced upto the Nanthi Kandal Lagoon (From East to West) and taken control of the Southern tip after entering from the East.
This is how We Took control of the Wadduvakal Bridge.
Army.lk map shows two divisions of 59. One is at the beach and the other is at the lagoon. It also shows 53 coming from the lagoon and going to the middle of the NFZ. I don't know how they did that.
Mate, we have time at least another 72 hours to settle this.
Lets hope, GR and SF will do the needful by that time!!!
Over 1000 Civilians reach 59 Division. Expecting more.
Puran Appu macho,
Not fully convinced mate. They should attack where the leadership is or either encircle the leadership for final assault.
[[ Puran Appu said...
Over 1000 Civilians reach 59 Division. Expecting more.]]
Good, we need more, at lease 10000
let's hope...
U know Who!,
Machan, We should get out much Civilians as we can to go for the Big Kill.
Leadership will be encircled. No doubt about that. Thats what I think 58 and 59 is doing at the moment. (Taking the Beach)
Dont forget that Western SATs are above us, monitoring 24*7. We cant just go for the Kill.
Nisal Macho,
How are you doing??
After along time..
U know Who!,
Our battle planners are a bit concerned about having the last battle at sea. Although the decision maybe bureaucratic, it may have a validity.
But I do tend to agree with your point of view.
[[Puran Appu said...
Nisal Macho,
How are you doing??
After along time..]]
Yea, nice to see you back. How are you?
I am fine if our boys are fine!
Puran Appu Macho,
This is too much for me at this hour, I am going to retire!
Thanks for the reason or noreason, you knoe what I mean.
good night brother!
3 Unicorns and 2 suicide boats captured by 53 Div.
puran's news is on the web now.
More civilians crossing over
U know Who!,
Sweet Dreams Machan.
Noted. Mate.
Troops seize Fara II?
Main article updated.
Civilians are queing up...
SMR's report (today 7.10am)
Finally defence.lk on the right track in terms of propaganda. This article is claiming LTTE using white phosphorus. It uses some words from Obama's speech. We need such articles every day. We need to put some photos also. One bad point is that the article says "defence observers commenting" without mention the person. We must bring a "doctor" and "aid worker" to this article. A foreign doctor is better.
EFT is the first to reveal the white posporous, 24 hours later all others come out with our old news.
We have gone Where no man has gone before to bring those news.
what do you mean by "due to the heat wave the LTTE are running"....
You are right !! we know you are getting the information from the " surrendered Pottu " right?
EFT is the first to reveal heavy wepons in Farah 2.
Now SLBC revealing those too.
Let me repeat...
We have gone Where no man has gone before to bring those news.
එලි වෙන ජාමෙට හොද හොද සෙල්ලම් පේඊ.
A big round of applause to the best defence news repoter of Elam war.
Well done.
Hebei umba apita tika tika punnakkuth dunna serin sereyta...
LTTE drama queen's photo shooting available in EFT main page now.
[[පංකාදු ලංකා said...
Hebei umba apita tika tika punnakkuth dunna serin sereyta...
Ow ow, koyi madyawediyath punnaku tikak denawane kiyala hitha hada gamu.
My dearest ladies,
More and more updates gone to the main article.
Hey Mahen,
Have you hacked in to one of SKR computers? Is that the way you are getting this info?
The people in the photos don't look like they are acting. They look like they are seriously worried about the firing going on. The girl taking the photos is another story. She seem to be enjoying the whole thing.
Mrs. Mahen ,
Send those photos to AP, AFP, Reuters, aljazera, al-kaida (What ever) and BBC (bullshit broadcasting corporation). There are waiting for some news to sell.
Punnaku got / getting published by one of the other blogs.
Time will tell those for all of you ladies.
Thusitha said...
The people in the photos don't look like they are acting. They look like they are seriously worried about the firing going on. The girl taking the photos is another story. She seem to be enjoying the whole thing.
1. It's what you call real acting.
2. Were you there to say that "they are seriously worried about the firing going on"???
We do not let our readers have 2nd hand info like SKR.
Puran Appu said...
1. It's what you call real acting.
2. Were you there to say that "they are seriously worried about the firing going on"???
If this is about feeding punnakku please continue.
But if you look at the women holding the child, she is looking up at the sky, wondering whether she would get hit by something from the sky. So, I don't believe this is acting.
Also, if it is acting, there is not enough carnage to make New papers interested.
I think this "Thusitha" was looking for CJ's balls in NFZ when this happened. He also must've looked up the sky to see if CJ's balls were used as artillery practice
So he does have first hand experience.
Well Said bro.
DoDo said...
I think this "Thusitha" was looking for CJ's balls in NFZ when this happened. He also must've looked up the sky to see if CJ's balls were used as artillery practice
So he does have first hand experience.
No mate, I wouldn't be looking up as they would be too small for me to duck for cover. But it seem like you have first hand knowledge of the size of CJ's balls. Do tell.
You wrote: "Updated @ 10:55 BST
It’s a Photo Shooting. Look right side, the girl shoots Victims actions with Smile. Wow…"
She also hold a photocamera in her hands....
Yes we missed those wording. Thank you and will update.
Wear a sarong and go stand over a basin full of water. There lies the answer to your quest:)
Wear a sarong and go stand over a basin full of water. There lies the answer to your quest:)
Oi. Hingiya jalak jalak!
Gilan ratha godak rathmalana paththe indala kolomba paththata hawas waruwa puraama yanawa..
Mahen, I am sure I have seen the cropped photo on Tamilnet sometime back. But I cannot find it anymore. Do you have the link to that photo on Tamilnet?
Jangi Mahen,
1000's is wrong grammar isn't it? that is a very minor matter anyway.
I think we kind of losing media war big time, this "government doctor" reporting from NFZ is getting all the publicity and government's response to that hasn't been given the same.
DoDo said...
Wear a sarong and go stand over a basin full of water. There lies the answer to your quest:)
It was never my quest to stand in front of a basin full of water. Maybe it is yours. Anyway even if I do that, I would see my under wear. I don't know about you, but I never hang it loose.
Umba lankaweda inne, nathnam pitaratakada inne? karunakara uththara denna me prashneta.
Yes there are lot of Ambulances going towards Colombo from yesterday night......
Nisal DODO walige pagagena dangalanwa. Thusitha is on our side. Thought DODO would be more broad minded than this.
Thusitha said...
osza said...
Nisal DODO walige pagagena dangalanwa. Thusitha is on our side. Thought DODO would be more broad minded than this.
Ah, now I understand why people are writing stuff against me. No, I gave my honest opinion about the photos. I am Sinhahala coming from a fishing village just South of Galle.
Please stick to the defence matters.
Ok, In this pic, I can see a small group of people running while 5 people are standing in relax. One of them has a hi-tech camera while the photo is taken by another hi tech camera.
in short:
15 - people
10 - running
5 - standing in relax mood
2 - cameras
1 - white van
Hey girls, Mahen's lady boys, whatever...,
I think the photo shoot is GENUINE, no doubt about that. It's a genuine photo shoot carried out to create genuine, best quality PUNNAKKU to feed the donkey diaspora and the IC.
I like the white van. May be it is chartered by GOSL for the camera(wo)man.
“Meanwhile, Human Rights organisation (should we say “Human wrongs”!) has requested to delay the IMF loan for Sri Lanka (see hrw.org). UN Security Council in its first formal session on Sri Lanka, condemned the LTTE for its acts of terrorism and recognised Sri Lanka's right to fight against terror.”We should not say “Human Wrong Organization” as it really looks after some group of rights. How about calling “Terrorist Rights Organization” or “Tigers Rights Organization” or simply TRO? When we say TRO, everyone understand what it stands for.
You missed the doggy...
Diaspora = DONKEYPORA..
Click hereWe need to counter these allegations..
finally there is a good suddek (may be a muslim)
[ The United Nations' acting representative for Sri Lanka, Amin Awad, told Reuters that local sources in the combat zone confirmed up to 6,000 were in the water or safely across.
"They are trying to escape, but the LTTE is firing at them, overhead and into them. The army and the navy claimed to have rescued some, and we are concerned about those remaining," said Awad, who is also head of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.]
Ranil to meet Solheim today.
Some more reading while we wait..
Note I did not read all yet, but seems to be reasonably accurate account of what happened from an outsider's view.
I was a strong Ranil supporter when he was ruling (as PM). Now guy must be shot before he further destroys UNP and also damages country's reputation. No matter how we love Mahinda UNP still remains the truly national party with diverse representation
Who's the dady...
All media guys publish our breaking news hours or days later.
Mahen anna,
Good work with the photo shoot man!!!!
Marksman, can you please repost the link ?
"Who's the dady...
All media guys publish our breaking news hours or days later."
Too bad they do not cite you as the source!
"Now guy must be shot before he further destroys UNP and also
damages country's reputation."
Ranil must be charged with treason against the state
(it is a single line)
defence.lk says 1500 crossed, not 5k as indicated in Yahoo news.
Ours truly Jangi said "1000s", I wonder what number was that :)
[ The United Nations' acting representative for Sri Lanka, Amin Awad, told Reuters that local sources in the combat zone confirmed up to 6,000 were in the water or safely across.]
May be 4500 people still swimming in the lagoon and 1500 cross it.
Yahoo news are accurate. Those are normally confirmed by "government doctors".
There is a high drama rescue operation going on in the (across)Nanthikadal Lagoon. There seems to be a large amount of civilians about to be rescued. So yahoo can be accurate.
lets hope so. We need at least 10000 today.
DW just updated and says 3k.
Looks like everyone come up with their own figures, we'll get to know the real figures soon.
DW has a new post.
It says 3000 rescued already
The reason for conflicting figures is because the operation is still going on. Its by far more daring ops than the previous time. And many thousands of civilians are supposed to be trapped in the lagoon facing LTTE fire and awaiting SLDF help.
Machanla, kadda danna kenek mata meke theruma hariyata kiyala denna:
Imperial legacy: The Queen and Prince Philip visit Sri Lanka in 1954, six years after independence. The new Sinhalese rulers marginalised the Tamils the British had brought inSource: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1176597/Exclusive-Inside-Sri-Lankas-concentration-camps.html
Balala mallen bimatama panala neda?
it means Sinhala palakayo suddo genapu demala ayata pahathwa selakuwa kiyala.
Cat out of the bag? Yes and No But that statement is not true. Upcountry Tamils never violent. They have more inter-marriages with Sinhalese than our Northern friends. Also Upcountry Tamils were discriminated more by Tamil elites far more than Sinhalese due to cast issue.
machan mama kiwwe " the British had brought in" kiyana eke theruma.
It's a very good point!
But who is the writer EDNA?
"British had brought in" = Suddo genapu"
Means suddo genapu demala minissu. Only upcountry Tamils were "brought in" by sudda. Other Tamils were early settlers and not brought in by Sudda. (wars, migration, traders and etc..)
We are deeply mistaken if we only blame sudda for this mess
hi all ,
Please note the dog in the pic.
it proves that this pic is a fake.
Coz, when the dog gets frightened it want keep the tongue out.
Yes, Maskman!
But "Sudda's(British)" method was divide and rule. They gave PUNNAKKU to Tamil Politicians in those days! As well as Sinhalese!
They let us hate each other! But still most of the Sinhalese & Tamils are having a better understanding of each other! It wan't take much time to heal the wounds! But we all have to be honest!
Dev said...
hi all ,
Please note the dog in the pic.
it proves that this pic is a fake.
Coz, when the dog gets frightened it want keep the tongue out.
If you zoom the pix. you will see the dogs tongue out. May be I am wrong, but that is what I see.
Thanks for the link!
Thusitha are you a UNP supporter? Just curious..
fara 3 captured
Fara 3 Captured by Army few hours before !!
I left the country before I could vote.
Normally I tend to be labour, but I support person rather than a party. In Sri Lanka I am not sure who I would have supported . I hated Pramadhasa, Would never support Chandrika, I am not sure I would have support MR, but I would never have voted for a MF like Ranil.
But I would vote for MR or any one who makes SL the first priority, and then Economy.
Thanks for clarification Thusitha, there are two types of people who openly criticize pro-government propaganda, in these situations, firstly UNPers secondly frank people like, You are in the latter it seems. Folks sorry for going on a tangent..
Maskman said...
Thanks for clarification Thusitha, there are two types of people who openly criticize pro-government propaganda
That is why I asked earlier whether the photos were propaganda. I wasn't that clear. The reason being, this blogg is viewed by Sri Lankans (Sinhalese or Tamils). Sinhalese knows the BS TamilNet provides.
I find it hard to believe Tamils does not know the BS TamilNet provides. You don't need that much intelligence to realize that (Unless of course if you are pretty old and coming from village).
So who are we trying to convince? If I for a moment thought this has any propaganda value, I would have kept quiet. Sorry If I am wrong in my analysis.
According to DW, 58 hasn't done anything!
"According to DW, 58 hasn't done anything!"
Nisal, DW did not say so! lol
Lets have a competition. Who is going to tell us first that the BBQ is over and we happened to overcook the big pig by a mistake until all what left was ashes. Who is going to say this first, Mahen, DefenceWire, or DenfenceNet?
From LNP
"LTTE is done with..! Its all over!
SF is finding pieces of about 20 LTTE cadres who have committed mass suicide!
Forensic teams have been called to identify VP, Poddu, Soosai, Lawrence etc.
"Game is over for cesspit born eelam tamil scum...Heavy fighting were only one way directed into eeelam scum and it's done and dusted...hundreds of eelam tamil terror scum were culled and innocent civilians were shown the path to freedom...hee...hoo...hoo..."
Breaking News on ITN, MR has mentioned that all civillians will be rescued within 48 hours..
By the looks of the statement it seems the job is already done. We have seen MOD telling that they will do something within 48 hours, eventhough they are already done with the job
Dear Mahen,
Where are you?
Please verify!
We are here :)
Game is not over yet.
We will reveal the end time accuratly in few hours from now.
Is the BBQ done?
Sam P.
Nop. Still getting the fire going.
Well.. international pressure is building. German bastards passed a resolution against us and said nothing about LTTE. UK millipede is trying to do the same thing. Thanks to stupid diaspora, Canadians are now pissed off. SL cannot be at the mercy of these idiots. We need to develop our economy and military. Until then, every tom and dick thinks that they can walk all over us.
When we announce its all over, there will be HRW and other so called rights groups wanting to do an analysis.
So better to delay any announcements until everything is cleaned and ready for inspection by any one.
you are dreaming.This war is far from being over.LTTE will hold out until june and then USA-and indian army will intervene and stop you sinhalese genociders. Five kilometers of coast and five kilometers along the A-35 still under LTTE-control,no problem for us to hold it for three more weeks
Poor you!
Your Tamil CIRCLES can unanimously pass a resolution and declare Eelam there...
Meanwhile, a huge explosion has been reported in the civilian safety zone where the LTTE leaders are currently hiding in. According to the reports, the soldiers have heard the explosion around 6.30 P.M , after which they have observed thick black smoke rising above 200m from the ground. Following the explosion, all radio communications among the LTTE units have come to a standstill, the reports added.
Patriots the end is here. Great warrior kings of the past from Abaya Gamini, Parakrama Bahu, Rajasingha I to Wimaladharmasuriya are looking down today with pride as their warrior descendants are advancing on the last stronghold of the enemy and kill the demonic enemy leader. The gods are descending from heaven in their chariots showering rose petals on the advancing warriors. There are rainbows splayed across the sky as glory of Lanka is spread far and wide.
All is well in our blessed Lanka.
"hello ladies!.."
Mahen Pirimiya,
Any info about the huge explosion?. Tiger communications resumed after that?
Ado Mahen Punde ? Umba nidida ? whats hapening whats the latest
Nagitapn huththo
Huge explosion may have been mass suicide by remaining LTTE leadership, as yet this is awaiting confirmation, will try to get confirmation.
PS, to anyone who doubt our news, any doubt or offence you cause is an offence to our brave SLA / SLAF sources in the line of fire who are putting their lives at risk for the defence of the motherland and also is an insult to our sources in the establishment who have facililated the SLDF to get this far. If you know who we are, you wouldn't be causing offence like this.
Pretending to be pro-LTTE in the past, insulting our bloggers, making jokes were all intentional, I guess some of you are not mature enough to understand what this blog is all about.
Wake up, wake up. Tell me my dear that the pork is burnt to ashes. I beg you.
Biling Sam,
We are here, all waiting for it.
But realistically, let's say Saturdsay midday.
Mahen my cutie pie,
These are the longest days of my life. I don't keep you bound to Saturday in any case. May I assume that no civilians are trying to escape in the night time. I hope that our UAVs are already airborne to view the site of explosion at first light of the day. Are you sure it is not work by our Lurps of SF?
/I guess some of you are not mature enough to understand what this blog is all about./
Mahen, There are singala modayas as well and they also should do blogging..
Pls i cannot sleep till now .my fingers are paining refreshing EF and DW pages pls give us some good news to have some desent sleep
Mahen/ Others
I cana't understand your point of those two pics. What you trying to say?
Seems your point is pro-LTTE media has put that first pic probably under heading civilians fleeing SLA shelling or some thing like that. But the second pic shows a little girl with a smile taking that pic. If this is not edited then those civilians are just posing. Now who took the picture that girl taking photos? And where did this first picture appear on web? How did you get the second picture is a question you can skip.
අවදිවන්න අවදිවන්න දීප්තිමත් ඉරකි උදා වෙලා තියෙන්නේ
අදට වඞා සොඳුරු සුන්දර ලෝකෙක අපි ඡීවත් වෙන්නේ
This is your victory! It is the victory of the cause of freedom in every land. In all our long history we have never seen a greater day than this. Everyone, man or woman, has done their best. Everyone has tried. Neither the long years, nor the dangers, nor the fierce attacks of the enemy, have in any way weakened the independent resolve of the Lankan nation ...
My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not victory of a party or of any class. It's a victory of the great Sri Lankan nation as a whole. We were the first, in this ancient island, to draw the sword against terrorist tyranny. After a while we were left all alone against the most ruthless and cruel terrorist group that has been seen. We were all alone for year upon year.
Did anyone want to give in? No!
Were we down-hearted? No!
The lights went out and the bombs came down. But every man, woman and child in the country had no thought of quitting the struggle. So we came back, after long months, from the jaws of death, out of the mouth of hell, while the world wondered: 'When shall the reputation and faith of this generation of Lankan men and women fail?' I say that in the long years to come, not only will the people of this island but of the world, wherever the bird of freedom chirps in human hearts, look back to what we've done and they will say: 'Do not despair, do not yield to violence and tyranny, march straightforward and die, if need be, unconquered.'
Now we have emerged from one deadly struggle - a terrible foe has been cast on the ground and awaits our judgment and our mercy - but there is another foe who occupies large portions of the western world, a foe stained with cruelty and greed: the Tamil diaspora.
I rejoice that we can all take a night off today, and another day tomorrow. After tomorrow we must begin the task of rebuilding our hearth and homes, doing our utmost to make this country a land in which we all have a chance, in which we all have a duty. And we must turn ourselves to fulfill our duty to our own countrymen, and to our our gallant allies in this mighty struggle. We will go hand in hand with them. Even if it is a hard struggle, we will not be the ones who will fail.
The cycle continuous. For how long?
The cycle known to us was 'war - ceasefire - peace talks - war -..'. Now the new cycle is;
1. War (which we are winning)
2. Civilians trapped in war zone
3. Pro-LTTE media says (pics/ videos/ interviews..) xxx civilians dead due to SLA fire
(from now on it is xxxx civilians dead.. next days it will be xxxxx civilians dead.)
4.West media say the same.
(They forget to add 'these reports can not be verified independently.!!!)
5. West (USA/UK ect) says SL must stop the war
6. GSL reject the request and continue the war => (1).
There are two key points here.
1. Stopping war will not end any civilian suffering
This is clear as LTTE will not release the human shield even if GSL stop the war. Instead, they will probably make a new demand, one by one, using the hostages. West is not dumb to unable to understand this. Thus their motive is 'save the tigers'. LTTE is a threat to SL and India and that's why India let SL finish tigers. But west need them.
2. West media reporting
# A dead body of with a sarong doesn't mean he is a civilian. He could be a LTTE cadre or a fighter forcibly recruited irrespective of age and gender.
# Picture doesn't tell where the bullet came from.
# 'The government doctor' who is unknown to health ministry became a reliable source to west media.
# An 'aid worker' is a 'reliable source'.
Thus the west media can't be this much dumb to be mislead by LTTE propaganda. Thus probably they all act according to common agenda set by west (US, Uk etc). Note how LTTE claims of xxxx civilians dead, the publicity given by west and UN SC meeting relate.
# Any country like a weak leader like RW to become a leader of another country. Recent EU tour of RW is probably aiming the next PE. Message is elect RW we give you Sri Lankans money and federal to peelamists.
Any comments?
Ninja, This news appears to be a hoax. Lanka news Web is probably run by Sunday Leader, and probably anti government.. To get an idea visit their home page
Wow, 10000s of civilians are coming. Similar to April 20s!
58 moves 800m from fara.
Explosions in NFZ continues.
Army eka sakakaranawa koticiveleans la athare indan pupurawanne kiyala.
Ada ra wenakota dekin ekak weyi!!! No more ltte or NFZ on tomorrow morning.
නිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal said...
Wow, 10000s of civilians are coming. Similar to April 20s!
58 moves 800m from fara.
Did you say 10,000? This is great news. Where did you get the info? It is not in defence yet.
EFT is about to disclose the shocking truth of the developments in the last 24 hours!
Mahen, this time you are the 2nd! :)
I got this information from THE most reliable source. You guess!
Yes, I said 10000s.
sorry thusitha, not thushara.
නිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal said...
I got this information from THE most reliable source. You guess!
Yes, I said 10000s.
tamilnet, are u kidding?
You cannot say we're the 2nd...because you are not aware what we are going to reveal. So you ladies can wonder...
Thusitha said...
නිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal said...
I got this information from THE most reliable source. You guess!
Yes, I said 10000s.
Most reliable sources in the world
World Ranking
1. Tamilnet?
2. Mahen
People of Sri Lanka
Ranil Wickramasinghe
1. Conspiracy by collaborating with white masters to overturn the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka
2. Espionage by giving national security information to white masters.
3. Treason by trying to give a 1/3rd of land mass of Sri Lanka to terrorist
4. Treason by collaborating with terrorists.
5. Crimes by attempting to stall economy by choking foreign investments.
1. Administration of traditional traitor’s punishment at a public square.
2. Life sentence with no parole.
3. Expulsion from Parliament and revocation of civil rights (a trick from the bastard JR Jayawardena)
Mahen said...
You cannot say we're the 2nd...because you are not aware what we are going to reveal. So you ladies can wonder...
You are going to reveal, the girl in the photo shoot has fallen from the jambu gahen or not. Sorry, I don't know the answer to this.
Most reliable sources in the world
1. Government doctor
2. Aid worker
3. Tamilnut
4. BBC (bullshit broadcasting corporation)
Ok ladyboy Mahen,
Please reveal you story.
Guys, my source is SMR Live@Dasadesin (Citi FM, SLBC) (7.10 am SL time)
"Four main opposition political parties today called the government to hold an independent inquiry into the reports of civilian deaths in the conflict areas in the north.
UNP’s General Secretary Tissa Attanayaka, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader Rauf Hakeem, SLFP (M) Leader Mangala Samaraweera and Democratic People’s Front leader Mano Ganeshan signed the statement calling for the probe.
They said that MPs, local and international media and humanitarian agencies should be allowed into the ‘safety zone. "
Those four main opposition political parties cannot get at least 20% votes in the next election.
Is this in addition to the 4000 odd that came yesterday ? are they coming towards the 59 the ot 58 th .
Ok mahen we are all waiting ..
Wal Ali,
Please give us a bit more time. Definitely within the next 2 hours we will be breaking some heartening news...
Our editorial team comes from many parts of the world.
What is your time now?
Karu said...
What is your time now?
His updates have 'BST', which means
British Summer Time ... I think
It is British Standard Time you nit wits.
You need to spend more time here to learn something.
Anyway even if I do that, I would see my under wear. I don't know about you, but I never hang it loose.
I see! So you're an "ala thamibifying" person!!! No wonder the pungent argument!
Lor'! :D:D:D
Anyway, don't want to shift the focus of the blog anymore, so I'll leave it at that
Obama/Clinton admin proving be worse jokers than Bush/Cheney?
IMF loan for Sri Lanka not appropriate now: Clinton
This will only force Sri Lanka towards China and Russia. US destroying its strategic hold in SA!
Mahen is desperately searching news sites and blogs for more rumors.
hak hak
Tiger communications down after that massive blast - lankadeepa
BST...BBQ standard time
Yeee Haw.....
Mahen lady-boy, are we there yet?
Tiger communications down after that massive blast - lankadeepa
Have your "sources" informed you anything about this blast? My sources say it is a toilet pit filled with methane gas. Communication is down cos all the operators have run away due to the smell!!!
I think its now ok to comment on this since now the SLDF offensive has reached the point of no return it will roll on
All Sri Lankan patriots
We all waited for this moment probably most of us, all our lives and others for a major part of their lives waited for this moment! so as sri lankans be happy that you are all witnessing and are part and parcel of a great moment in the history of Sri Lanka when she is on the verge of achieving true independence and spare a moment to appreciate sincerely the sacrifices the guardian angels of Sri lanka (SLDF) has done to come this far and also spare a thought for their families and respect them,they too have sacrificed alot please bear in mind the agony they go through dont knowing that their loved ones are safe or not suspense is some times worse that the truth
I used to defend allegations against SLDF where ever i come across those and one day there was an seemingly innocent picture of a SLDF conference in defence lk what caught my eye was a banner on the background which said "Victory November 2008"if my memory serves right there wasn't any major operation at that time so i knew the game was on but still i dont know whether we went off target or it refers to the capture of killinochchi.but i knew that it is going to happen in addition i saw some very strategic responses to LTTE aggression and this gave me a hope that this time Sri Lanka meant business .that was the day i decided i would not talk or do any future military analysis or possibilities my discussions were purely retrospective i felt although i don't consider myself knowledgeable in military aspects i did not want to pull out even an unintentional piece of info which could be worth to the enemy in a public forum during a discussion
So Guys stop this blame game of who and who is telling the truth as i see allthese in a different perspective DW , Mahen,SF & ST @ LNP ,DN , Long ranger then the official sites Defence.lk & MCNS ,govt. TV channels if you have being following them and then if you look at the actual situation later reported you will see a different side to all these i may be way out of line but they serve the intended purposeif you think the purpose is just reporting you may be dead wrong . As i see it they all do a fantastic job don't look at them in isolation look at the whole picture it fits (even if all these blogs are run by people with no military background i don't think its the case )But they served their purpose wanna clue read all these blogs and switch your sides ( only the thinking hat) and try to imagine what this means to the guys on the other side
thats all folks! porky pig (the only pig i love)
We will be mentioning about the blast which occurred yesterday. News is that many blasts are happening currently as well from the Vellamullivaikkal area.
Why dont you go help yourself to some Ceylon tv?
Four suicide kits discovered in Wellawatta. Four Tamil Engineering students arrested, one commits suicide by jumping out of the window.
All the terrorists networks are getting busted, and look who the rats are! Engineering students!
Well, now we know who blasted that bus near Moratuwa engineering faculty
Aththa kiwwama tharaha yanawalu!
how long you are going to wait?
Who needs IMF Loan?
Hillary Clinton as a good supporter of terrorist has said that IMF loan is not appropriate for Sri Lanka at the moment. Well, this is all well and good as Sri Lanka is fighting the Anglo Saxon Empire here. We have to expect informal financial restrictions imposed on us for the sin of fighting the coolie forces of the evil Anglo Saxons and cutting off funding. But, this is a positive move contrary to the popular belief that it is not. It will free Sri Lanka to take its own path of post war development. Good move Hillary, that what we wanted right now!
Sri Lanka is a resource rich country which has plenty of variety of food to eat and water to drink. So there is no threat of famine and lack of food like the terrorists have created in the areas under their control because their leadership was planning on continuously gaining weight by eating all the food available for the people. Now as more and more fertile lands are added to contribute to economic development, we cannot lament saying that we will have to import food. No, we don’t have to. We will have enough rice for all of us grown in this land.
We will have to cut down on our unnecessary imports and that will do this country good. We will cut down importing of motor vehicles, some of the luxury goods, foreign liquor and stuff. They are not necessarily important for us to live on. This should have happened some long time back, but there were no proper initiatives from the government side. Now, with IMF cutting off the loan (even though it is not necessary to restrict ourselves so much), we can take the initiatives to limit unnecessary imports and build our national economy. We need to take the first steps now, making this the primary excuse!
Sri Lankan exports are anyway immune to most of their sanctions. They cannot ban our apparels as we provide top quality apparels to their exclusive stores. Most of those western elite who talk bit do so wearing Sri Lankan garments. We will continue to have our labour exports (foreign employment and PBO industry) intact as they are key necessary components of their highly preached neo liberal economy. We should however grow more tea as tea is getting popular as health giving drink. I am not worried about the export markets as all the indicators are positive for tea in the long run. It is the fact at this rate, we in the country will not have any tea left to consume and that is something which worries me.
Now, we cut down on our imported carbs and fat, eat more nutritious meals based on rice, and contribute to less environmental pollution due to reduction of conspicuous consumption. Isn’t this good? So let’s take the steps now to build post war sustainable national economic development, making IMF loan as the excuse.
Hillary, you have finally done a good thing for us!
[[Mahen said...
Wal Ali,
Please give us a bit more time. Definitely within the next 2 hours we will be breaking some heartening news...
Our editorial team comes from many parts of the world.
15 May 2009 03:52 ]]
2 hours gone. now what???
See update!
Dear Deshal,
Though I basically agree with all of your points, it will not be easy to live without the IMF loan and we need to cut many corners in such a circumstance. I would personnally be happy tht if we didn't get the IMF loan at all since our children have to suffer to pay back that same loan.
If we do not get the IMF loan as expected then the same people elected for MR with the promise of eradicating the Tamil Terrorism, will turn back their support due to the economic sanctions which need to be faced.
This is exactly what the West wanted as they never had any intention to keep Sri Lanka at rest.
I think, our authoritis should check out how we can live without the IMF loan by comparing the other sources like revenue from tourism.
It's better if the loan will not happen rather than having it at all.
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